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May Rihani’s work in the fields of girls’ education, women’s empowerment, social justice, and global understanding, has attracted the attention of her peers and colleagues, in academic institutions and the development community.

May A. Rihani
May A. Rihani

She is the recipient of many prestigious national and international awards, among them:

  • Jossour Forum des Femmes Marocaines: Femmes Partenaires du Progres Award: Jordan, August 2019.
  • The ADC Women’s Empowerment Forum Leadership Award:  Washington DC, March 2015.
  • The Juliet Hollister Temple of Understanding Award:  New York, October 2012.
  • Leadership Award of the Center for Women’s Leadership in International Development: Creative Associates International Inc., Washington, D.C., March 2012
  • Legacy Award: Academy for Educational Development, Washington, D.C., June 2011.
  • Al Waref Poetry Award: Al Waref Institute, Washington, D.C., January 2010.
  • The Khalil Gibran International Award: University of Maryland, April 2008.
  • Said Akl Award: Beirut, Lebanon, June 2004.
  • Capital Area Peacemaker Award: School of International Service, American University, Washington, D.C., March 1998.
May A. Rihani
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